This is a more in depth discussion of Step 3 identified in the initial article: Taming the Mind Monster. Step 3 follows:
Now review each item and write how overcoming each item is an opportunity. Note, I didn’t say how you have to do each of these items. Just how they can be an opportunity. What happened is that the Mind Monster has now gone from being huge to very manageable. That is because you shined a light on all the imaginary thoughts and now have clarity of what is real.
Now that you have everything out of your mind and on paper. You can look at things as they are versus creating options and concerns in your mind. If you are still coming up with options and concerns that is ok as long as you add them to your paper. Whatever you do, do not keep them in your mind.
We all have a tendency to see obstacles. This is normal. We as humans were built that way. If you think about it, there would have been no innovations if we did not have obstacles to overcome. So don’t listen to anyone that says you are a negative person or a pessimist over the questions and concerns you have over buying or selling a property.
What we many times miss is that those obstacles are the raw materials for innovation or creation. We could ask ourselves, what would have to happen or what would I need to do to overcome or transform this obstacle into a solution or a new innovation. Be as creative as you can be.
One key point to consider is do you want to do this by yourself? I have found that even speaking to someone that tells you that your ideas are questionable, it is just more information to consider. Remember you are the final decision maker.
When you have collected and thought through your obstacles, concerns, or ideas you are basically ready to move to Step 4. This is where you build your team. We will cover this next step in the next article.
Let me know if this has been helpful and any of your thoughts about these Steps.