First, we need to define what is “Transform Your Real Estate Asset”. This will require a change in the mindset that this is only shelter. Most understand that it is an investment but have limited their investment by considering it only for shelter and eventually retiring and use the equity as supplemental income.
This mindset is because of everyone thinking that as long as I own my home I have something no one can take away from me. Many would not agree with what I am about to say, but here it goes anyway. If you want to really know who owns your home, stop paying property taxes for 2 or 3 years, and you will find you are not necessarily the owner.
The mindset I want you to consider is that you control the asset. Yes, I know, you are on the title, and you can show ownership. If you want another example is the recent rise of squatters’ rights and the craziness that comes from having to deal with this issue. Our rule of law has been weaponized against an owner who has legal rights and the issue of trespassing. I don’t bring this up to raise concerns, although it should, again, my point is to see it as you owning/controlling the real estate you own.
So if your mindset shifts to a “control” perspective, now you can look at the asset as a tool to be used to accomplish your financial goals. No, I am not asking to risk your home. What I am advocating is using the asset as a tool to build your financial wealth. There are many books that have been written on how to do this and I have my own ideas.
My goal today is to ask you to consider this mindset change and if you get it and want to know more. Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss this further.