How to use your property equity?

This article is strictly on ways to use your equity.  

Some of the most common ways are:

  1. Pay off debt.
  2. Pay for a vacation
  3. Pay off or buy a new vehicle
  4. Invest in retirement assets (such as IRAs, 401Ks, stocks, bonds, etc.)
  5. Invest in education (yours or kids)
  6. Invest in real estate
  7. Peace of mind

There are probably as many ways as there are people to use equity for a property.

The key point is to look at using the equity in a way that will gives you progress or enhances your peace of mind.  Every item above should give you as a minimum, peace of mind.

  1. Pay off debt. Eliminate the pressure of monthly payments and eliminate a payment based on 15% or higher interest rate.
  2. Pay for a vacation.  Many don’t believe they can afford a vacation or that they should use the money for that purpose.  I am not advocating that you should use all the equity for that but I am advocating that if it will make you better you should consider it.
  3. Pay off or buy a new vehicle.  No surprise that having a vehicle is a necessity and not a luxury.  As well as it needs to be dependable.  Ask yourself if you are spending more on maintenance and inconvenience (it breaks down) that using the equity would be a good solution.
  4. Sometimes a good retirement investment shows up and using the equity would be perfect.
  5. Invest in education.  Sometimes the best investment is a seminar that will prepare or enhance your current knowledge and skills.  Definitely consider this one.
  6. Invest in real estate.  Although there is a learning curve to this option.  This could be a good way to build even more equity that would be available.
  7. Peace of mind.  

Honestly, items 1 through 6 should all be leading to item 7.  Your mental health is just as important if not more so than any of the others.  

I am not recommending doing any of these things without considering the whole financial picture.  Just remember that equity is sleeping money and it needs to be active to give you a return and make your financial life better.