Have you taken some time to look around and see what team you have built? Of course it matters what you define as a “Team”.
We are so used to discussing and considering outside teams that most of the time we don’t consider the team we build closest to us. For example, your first team is your family and friends. I am not saying your family and friends team is perfect. However, each family member or friend plays a role on how they impact your life and your future. Even in a difficult family you can use this experience to make you better or be the same as them. The key here is, they are family and friends, but you make the choice of the impact they have in your growth and living your life.
The next team to consider is your professional/career team. Many don’t even consider this in their lives until later, but the sooner you consider it, the sooner it can help you grow. The key here is to grow. Growth can occur from guidance and wisdom or mistakes and hardships. I can say that I have enjoyed every position I have held and also say that every position had parts I disliked or challenged me to grow. If you and your team is not encouraging you to grow you should probably look for another team/job/line of work. If you decide to stay, at least make it a conscious decision and not one that you wake up one day a few years later and ask yourself “what happened”.
The last team I want you to consider is a Project Team. Consider for a moment that every event in your life is a Project. Everything from going grocery shopping to an event at work and everything in between. Many of us were raised with the idea that we have to do it all ourselves and this is where the challenge is. If you have reached the majority age of 18 or older you have learned that success comes from identifying the goal, make a plan, and take action. One of the first actions you should take is find the team members that are going to help you accomplish the project. The key here is that we rarely look at this as operating as a team. I believe once you recognize this and take steps to build a team for each Project, your life will grow faster than you thought possible. Let me be clear, nothing takes the place of you doing your best work, but you don’t have to do everything.
Our education system spends a lot of time challenging us to be good in each subject or class. The reality is that our life operates in collaboration with many other people and organizations. I consider this collaboration as team building because everyone works together to accomplish the project.
Let me leave you with this thought about “Team Building?” If you want to go far, you need to consider looking at everything you want to do in your life as a Project. Everything from health, finance, relationships, etc. Create projects in each of these areas and identify the goal, creating a plan, and the first action to build your team. You will grow and succeed faster than you can ever imagine. To your continued success.